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Section 1. Definitions.


Residence is any structure wherein persons live as distinguished from a business or industry.


Street Address Numbers are those identifying numerals which are consistent with identification as set forth by the East Feliciana 911 Director and/or his/her designee, which are recognized by the United States Postal Service and which are the correct numerals to properly identify the location of the property within East Feliciana Parish.


House is considered as a structure which may contain one or more residences.

Every structure with more than one occupancy shall have a separate number for each occupancy. For example, duplexes will have two separate numbers.


Apartments are structures which may include multi-family residences.

Apartments will have one property number, followed by an apartment number, such as, 235 Maple Street, Apt.2.


Business and/or Industry is an establishment located in some structure which is a purveyor of goods or services.

Every structure with more than one principal use shall have a separate number for each use. For example, multiple businesses in one building will have two separate numbers.

Section 2. Minimum Requirements.


Every house, residence, apartment, business and industry within the Parish borders of East Feliciana Parish, Louisiana shall have numbers identifying the location. These numbers are herein referred to as street numbers for all structures subject to this Regulation. These numbers will be issued only by the 911 Director of East Feliciana Parish.

     a. In the event the structures to be identified by said street address numbers are situated in such a way that the display of those numbers as the sole means of identification does not adequately identify the structure in the opinion of the East Feliciana Parish 911 Director, then the owner of the structure may also be required to display the street address numbers affixed to the structure in the size and colors as required in 2.03 below.

     b. In those instances, where there is more than one structure on a lane or driveway, adequate displays, as determined by the East Feliciana 911 Director, shall be installed by the owner at critical locations to direct emergency response vehicles to each house, residence, apartment, business and industry located on the lane or driveway.
(If you live down a private lane with multiple structures, each structure MUST be properly identified prior to the East Feliciana Parish 911 Commission providing the necessary signage at said servitude.)

     c. Where an additional display of a street address number is necessary, the East Feliciana Parish 911 Director shall set forth in writing to the owner of the property the reasons for said additional display.


All street address numbers shall be white reflective lettering on a green background  which can be seen easily when viewed from the roadway while in a vehicle driving in either direction.  Should an additional display of address numbers be required on the structure as noted in subsection 2.02 c. above, it is required that the numbers of said additional display be a color boldly contrasting with the background surface color upon which they are mounted.


There shall be no obstructions to preclude the street address numbers from being seen as noted in subsections 2.02 and 2.03 above.


     a.  All street address numbers on the public roadway shall be regulated by the East Feliciana Parish 911 Commission to insure uniformity and minimize costs.

     b.  All street address numbers, on a roadway with posted speed limit of forty (40) MPH or higher, shall be a minimum of three (3) inches in height and one (1) inch in width.

     c.  All street address numbers, on a roadway with posted speed limit of thirty-five (35) MPH or lower, shall be a minimum of two (2) inches in height and three quarter (3/4) inch in width.


No occupancy permit for new construction will be issued until proper numbers are erected either by contractor or residence owner.


In the event of non-compliance with 2.02 through 2.05 above, the 911 Director may request that utilities be shut off to the house, residence, apartment, business or industry which is not in compliance.